1 exe创建快捷方式,并且加后缀 program --serial 50114130 这是Win里面的一种调用说明。
Please note that the programming logs are saved in C:\Logs when the desktop shortcut is used to start the programmer.
In order to run programming from command line:a) without specifying adapter serial number: C:\Scripts\program_.exe programb) with adapter serial number (recommended), assuming serial is 12345C:\Scripts\program_.exe program --serial 12345
c) with adapter serial, and program only one device, assuming serial is 12345: C:\NVirtualEnvs\Scripts\program_.exe program --serial 12345 --once
2 Keil +EFM32
3 python 做批量烧录程序
pip install (install whl file)
5 bat文件编程
I find it : http://www.jb51.net/article/49627.htm
@echo off
REM Current DevProg Version. Match the pip package version (x.y.z) //当前版本号
SET currentversion=0.0.1REM Installation paths. If copying this to a new product, you MUST edit the last parts of venvdir and shortcuts! //这些是path和文件位置说明
SET basedir=C:\xxNVirtualEnvsSET logdir=%basedir%\LogsSET venvdir=%basedir%\xxxSET scriptdir=%venvdir%\ScriptsSET shortcut=%userprofile%\Desktop\Program xxx.lnk 桌面快捷键
SET shortcuttargetdir=%scriptdir%\program_xxx.exe if not exist %basedir% ( 如果不存在,报错退出mkdir %basedir%)if not exist %logdir% (
mkdir %logdir%)if not exist %venvdir% (
python -m venv %venvdir%)if not exist %scriptdir%\activate.bat (
echo The virtual environment in %venvdir% appears to be invalid.echo Delete the folder and run this script again.exit /b 1)call %scriptdir%\activate.bat
pip uninstall -y intelhex six xxx 安装这三个WHL文件pip install six-1.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whlpip install intelhex-2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whlpip install ecu2te-%currentversion%-py3-none-any.whlpowershell "$s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%shortcut%');$s.TargetPath='%shortcuttargetdir%';$s.Arguments='program';$s.WorkingDirectory='%logdir%';$s.Save()"
6 J-link serial